It took nearly one year: The Fair.Coop community has been working on refreshing and aligning their visual identity. Many projects have arised, web pages were made and folders printed. However, they were not recognisable as one ecosystem due to a cluttered design.
A special general assembly has discussed on March 1st 2017 the final proposals of a core team of four designers, who were working in many iterations, integrating feedback from the community. A just-in-time change was necessary for the Fair.Coop logo, which is now more simplified and finally got accepted as well.
In the next days the final drwaings will be made and together with a design guideline published. The implementation will last until April 2017, so that most web sites will carry the new design when FairCoin2 will be launched.
fairkom has initiated and supported this global design task within its Social Design activity field.