Wir bekommen derzeit recht viele Anfragen aus Deutschland und Österreich. Diesmal war etwas besonderes dabei, das wir gerne teilen möchten:
I recently stumbled across the Fairapps website and I am really thrilled because I have been looking for a hosting provider that accords with my personal values for some time now and also offers access to the open source tools and services that facilitate a massive boost in productivity and collaboration that we need to allow liberatory, ethical and open enterprise to truly thrive and succeed against essentially authoritarian and closed legacy business models.
I live in New Zealand and I am wondering whether FairKom would be prepared to collaborate and partner with myself and my team to build a similar hosting service and platform here which embodies the very same principles and values and allows us to support a community of organizations here which are working on the ground to do good work locally here in New Zealand and in the United States.
In the meantime I would be happy to explore the possibilities offered by the current hosting service and perhaps request some additional apps which I have identified as being useful for the work that my team are currently doing.
Wir haben interessiert zurück geschrieben:
Oh, what a nice message from the other side of this planet - we will cite you in our next blog post, for sure!
Yes we have been trying to put together the diamonds of open source web services under one umbrella brand and are trying to improve and extend them step-by-step. During COVID-19 lockdown we have been overwhelmed with requests for videoconferencing services. One of our USPs is Single-Sign-On with our own ID provider.
So why not offer a similar service portfolio in other regions? We are located in Austria in the Alps, that's why many landing pages are in German and only a part is translated. We try to document technical stuff in English, see e.g. our list of open source services yet to test and add to the portfolio.
Well, maybe the easiest way to go would be to partner up and join forces. We recently have deployed a kubernetes cluster and want to migrate some services there, which will give us high availability and scalability like the big5, but still having all infrastructure under our own control (not with AWS, Azure or Google Cloud). The cluster can be easily extended with more worker nodes in other regions and load balancers would then decide to choose the next server.
Mal sehen ob sich daraus was entwickeln wird. Sieht so aus, als bräuchten wir bald einen Expansion Manager. Oder sollen wir doch eher regional bleiben? Kiwis wachsen ja auch in den Voralpen - das Bild zeigt die Kiwis vom Garten unseres Büro in Dornbirn - unsere Vitaminquelle im Winter.