Call for Participation
BBB Developers Community Hackathon 2020
20-23 AUG 2020 on-site (Munich, Germany) and online
Hey developers, dev-ops and admins,
Did you also had a hard time deploying and maintaining video conferencing systems? Reloaded your batteries? Then it is time to gather, exchange experiences and help to fix some pending issues.
You are kindly invited to participate in this summer Hackathon for video conferencing tools, with a focus on the BigBlueButton suite.
It is a self-organised, independent initiative by fairkom, WECHANGE and Innovation Campus, who are running some BBB instances, got their hands dirty with it, need some features and devote some time and resources to make this event happen. If your organisation / company also wants to support or become a sponsor of this event, send a message to bbb-hackathon@wechange.de
Why a hackathon?
- As a result of the Corona pandemic, many organizations have moved their communications to digital.
- Actors for whom data protection and sovereignty are particularly important have decided to use BigBlueButton as a multifunctional video conferencing system.
- BBB is generally very mature and offers a good basis for many application fields.
- Users compare video conferencing solutions. They have a lot of wishes, more than 1000 issues are pending with BBB.
- BBB version 2.3 testing and roll-out is knocking on our doors.
How you benefit from it
- You can spend an all-inclusive weekend in Munich.
- You will meet other developers, DevOps and administrators who work with BigBlueButton.
- You can exchange experiences.
- Exciting tasks, this is our preliminary to do list
- For some open issues some organisations may offer a bounty.
What you should bring
- Experience in programming, deployment and maintenance of BigBlueButton
- Interest in exchange with other BBB afficinados
- Good knowledge of English language
- Your notebook and headset :-)
When and where?
- The Hackathon will take place on 20-23 AUG 2020. We will be working mainly online and we plan to have an on-site event in Munich including full catering.
- Due to the corona situation the number of on-site participants is limited.
- You can choose whether you want to participate on-site or online.
- The event starts Thursday 20 AUG 2020 12 p.m. CEST
- End of the event is Sunday 23 AUG 2020 14 p.m. CEST
How to register
- 1. join the #bbb fairchat channel (via join link, select web browser, you need to register for a fairlogin account if you don't have one yet)
- 2. register in the public list of applicants: https://fair.sandcats.io/shared/2709cI1JZ38wDUINVSwqL9cLhBkYdP97mbDqY2XxCCK and enter your fairchat user name there
- 3. tell us (in the table row) whether you would like to participate online or on-site (Munich, Germany) and if you need a hotel room (sponsoring available)
- 4. we make a decision on 06.08.2020 and send you further information, e.g. the specific venue for the on-site event
- 5. Watch or contribute to the event planning pad https://board.net/p/BBBhackathon
- 6. late & spontaneous registrations / arrivals possible, capacity limitations may apply
We are looking forward to a hackish weekend with you!
Your videoconferencing developers community hackathon organizer team
Markus & Roland
Preliminary schedule
Day 1 THU 20 AUG
- 12:00 welcome & who is participating?
- 12:30 lightning talks on deployment experiences
- 13:00 lightning talks on development experiences
- 14:00 challenges discussion
- 14:30 prioritize issues
- 15:00 team building & start working
Day 2 + 3 FRI + SAT
- hands-on work on open issues
- hang out sessions
Day 4 SUN
- present results
- assign bounties
- assign prices for best fixes via BBB voting tool
- celebrate!
- community building of BBB developers and devops
- exchange of experience
- work on open issues
- get some issues solved and submit pull requests for upstream BBB integration
- get those issues solved that are backed with bounties
Non - Goals
- establish user forum
on line locations
- BBB room "hackathon plenum" https://fairteaching.net/b/rol-wgz-mda
- Chat Channel https://fairchat.net/channel/bbb (supports threading and sub-discussions, use this join link)
on site location
- https://www.idea-kitchen.de/ Coworking Werinherstrasse 3, 81541 München
Post-Hackathon Report Nov 2020
New features Audio-Sharing and Live simultaneous translation support are now available for the BBB HTML5 client!
However, it will take time until they get merged into the BBB master code - we do not expect them to accept our pull requests before mid 2021.
Please get in touch with us in the https://fairchat.net/channel/bbb channel if you need early access.